From: Satoshi Te-Sudak
Sent: 2013.08.21 14:04
To: SKT Space Exploration Company,
Satoshi Te-Sudak > star?
amidaros veleta > sure
Satoshi Te-Sudak > just a sec
amidaros veleta > kk
Satoshi Te-Sudak > a bit of problem here ))
amidaros veleta > whats up
Satoshi Te-Sudak > forgot to activate my modules, and almost got shot down by Inara ))
amidaros veleta > oh
amidaros veleta > thats right
amidaros veleta > hes at war too
amidaros veleta > dont warp directly to the sun
Satoshi Te-Sudak > yeah ))
amidaros veleta > warp elsewhere then here
amidaros veleta > so he doesnt interupt
Satoshi Te-Sudak > tried it, didn't work, guess I'll try again
Satoshi Te-Sudak > are you guys in a fleet?
amidaros veleta > im in a fleet with bill
amidaros veleta > although he is about to log off i think
Satoshi Te-Sudak > aiite, Inara got me right after I dueled Rikard at the sun
amidaros veleta > i wont go for your pod
Satoshi Te-Sudak > aiite
amidaros veleta > if i win that is
amidaros veleta > :S
Satoshi Te-Sudak > we'll see ))
amidaros veleta > i havent flown a rifter in years
Satoshi Te-Sudak > and I'm a noob ))
amidaros veleta > wierd
amidaros veleta > i thought i was going toward you
amidaros veleta > wow
amidaros veleta > nice fight man
Satoshi Te-Sudak > 07
amidaros veleta > i ran out of capacitor right at the end
Satoshi Te-Sudak > burned out AB ))
amidaros veleta > almost burnt my rep
amidaros veleta > bugger
Satoshi Te-Sudak > still, it was close ))
amidaros veleta > your fit is solid
amidaros veleta > buffer?
amidaros veleta Rifter A Mk 1 i was using this
Satoshi Te-Sudak > brawling fit from a pirate
Satoshi Te-Sudak > also got kiting fit
amidaros veleta > nice
amidaros veleta > cool
Satoshi Te-Sudak > with a bit more skills, it shall be much better
amidaros veleta > i use a medium shield booster on mine
amidaros veleta > absolutely
Satoshi Te-Sudak > only got 99dps for now
amidaros veleta > not bad tho
amidaros veleta > as you can apply damage to all damage types
amidaros veleta > makes up for it in a way
Satoshi Te-Sudak > bit more shield, bit more T2 launchers, and it will be the ultimate Kestrel ))
amidaros veleta > we probably had the same dps
amidaros veleta > :P
Satoshi Te-Sudak > or so I hope))
amidaros veleta > it should be really good
Satoshi Te-Sudak > whats the range for rifter?
Satoshi Te-Sudak > 3000 or so?
amidaros veleta > um
amidaros veleta > gun range?
Satoshi Te-Sudak > yeah, your best damage range in rifter
amidaros veleta > max 10kms
amidaros veleta > oh best damage range would be 3000 yeah
amidaros veleta > through to 6k is ok
amidaros veleta > my favorite ship is the firetail
Satoshi Te-Sudak > as I thought. need more flying skills to keep myself around 8000
Satoshi Te-Sudak > haven't gone against firetail yet
amidaros veleta > yeah
amidaros veleta > mine does ok
amidaros veleta > much better than the rifter
amidaros veleta > but has a small tank
Satoshi Te-Sudak > well, thanks for the fight and the fit) the rifter fit will go to my corp ))
amidaros veleta > sounds good
Satoshi Te-Sudak > we are an exploration corp, so we can't really fight lol
amidaros veleta > ah
amidaros veleta > well i have seen alot of the members of your corp
amidaros veleta > get alot better at pvp in only a couple of days
Satoshi Te-Sudak > you mean yesterday?
amidaros veleta > i spent a few days down in perimeter
amidaros veleta > had a few fights with the guys
Satoshi Te-Sudak > so it was you )) running around our training ground ))
amidaros veleta > im guessing so
amidaros veleta > i ran little hit and run missions
amidaros veleta > well tried too
Satoshi Te-Sudak > well, I'll be off to training with corpmates.
Satoshi Te-Sudak > safe
amidaros veleta > o/
Satoshi Te-Sudak > 07
amidaros veleta > if you guys want help after the war i can teach you guys
Satoshi Te-Sudak > that shall be great ))
Satoshi Te-Sudak > talk to you more after the war about some PvP
amidaros veleta > sounds good
Satoshi Te-Sudak > till then, we'll keep shooting at each other )
amidaros veleta > haha yeah
amidaros veleta > ok buddy
amidaros veleta > ill let u go
Satoshi Te-Sudak > aiite
amidaros veleta > idk maybe i might come crash
amidaros veleta > the party later :S
Satoshi Te-Sudak > )
コメント一覧 (77)
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